With a few exceptions, it's basically all about the beach, the pool and the ice cream around here.
Last Wednesday, the local theater was offering a change of pace. A free family movie-- "Furry Vengeance"-- with Brendan Fraser. Liam has been to three or four movies in the last couple months-- all animated, so this was a long shot. We went to theater and as we got settled, we prepared ourselves with an exit plan and meeting arrangments should Liam not make it through.

Oh boy. Look at Liam. He's two and even he knows this is just wrong.

And here is a "chasing Liam" picture.
We were sitting there for all of five minutes when I texed this photo to the internets...

... bragging that all I needed was a car seat and a big bag of popcorn to get my barely-two-year-old through a movie. Surely, I jinxed myself.
About thirty minutes into the movie, Liam started chanting, "I want Buzz. I want Buzz. I WANT BUZZ." He's seen the Toy Story movies roughly six-thousand times, so clearly it's his movie of choice. I'm no movie critic, but I assure you that Furry Vengence is no Toy Story.
So within about a half hour, we went from this...

to this...

I spent awhile chasing Liam around the shopping mall that houses the local theater. Then I remembered the toy store that's just around the corner. And it occurred to me that it's way easier to chase a two-year-old in air conditioning than outside with the 110 degree heat index. So into the toy store we went.

I'm not sure why, but both of my boys have always had a thing for doll houses.

And strollers.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
In order to allow Will to partake in some 'big kid' activities, we had planned to split up a few times during the trip. Will has been begging to go play mini-golf all summer and there are a bunch of courses here.
So one night, Will and I headed off to mini golf and Bill and Liam went off on the bike to do some shopping.

On our way to mini golf.
About fifteen minutes later, Bill texted me this photo along with the message, "I'm at a McDonald's drive-thru with Liam on my bike!!!"

Meanwhile, Will and I pulled into the mini golf parking lot. Will had a minor meltdown when he learned that we would be eating dinner first at a nearby restaurant. However he quickly recovered when he learned that there would be coloring, ravioli and ice cream.

Another guy too distracted to talk at dinner.

Getting schooled in tic-tac-toe.

I totally asked the waitress to take this picture.
After dinner, we headed over to golf.

Going for a birdie.
The course we were at had lots of water features and traps. The object, of course, is to keep your ball out of the water. However when your five, I suppose that it's much more fun to hit your ball into the water.

"Whoops!" he says, as he hits his ball into the water for the 78th time.
"I'll get it, Mom!"

"Got it!"
And as is customary in first-time mini golf outings, the winner shall receive a glorious trophy.

Meet Crabby, our six thousandth stuffed animal.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Later in the week, it was Bill's turn to spend some 1-on-1 time with Will. So they went on their annual waverunner trip.
Last year.
Bill not looking at the camera.

This year.
Again with Bill not looking at the camera.
Upon pulling up to the marina, I realized that I had made a critical mistake. I forgot the stroller. This was almost a dealbreaker. But ultimately, I spent quite a bit of time juggling Liam and the camera-- trying to take pictures while trying not to lose my 2-year-old off the dock.
Some more "waverunner pictures".

OMG. I just remembered the time we went to Blackbeard's Cave and I tried to fish my ball out of the water trap and slipped in. *facepalm* Who was with us?