In the past forty-eight hours, we've celebrated two birthdays. One for Liam, who turned two on Friday. And one for Will, who turned five on Saturday.
At my first OB appointment, when I was pregnant with Liam, I knew his due date would be near Will's birthday. It turned out that, due to my planned C-section, I had the option to have Liam on Will's birthday. They could be born exactly three years apart and always share the same birthday.
I thought that this was an awesome idea. Two brothers, one birthday. How very cool. Right?
From my husband to my family to my friends, not one single person was in agreement. I got some polite mmm-hmms and nods, but people mostly looked at me like I was crazy. The boys each needed their own special day. It wouldn't be fair to make them share. They deserved their very own birthdays.
I didn't see the sharing as such a big deal. But being the independent thinker that I am, I scheduled my c-section on August 6th-- the day before Will's birthday.
So now my boys have 'their own special days' and I run around like an insane person throughout the first week of August.
The kids celebrate their birthdays on two different days at camp. We have two different birthday parties here at home for our family of four. And then, we have one big family party for grandparents and aunts and uncles and cousins.
And even though we keep things pretty low key, there's a pretty good amount of work involved in putting all of this together.
I'll be recapping the week of a thousand cupcakes in a future post. But in the meantime, here are some 'behind the scenes' baking photos...
Mesmerized by the Kitchen-Aid mixer than gets
pulled out of the cabinet like four times a year.
Will digs in as Liam is still mesmerized by the mixer.
"What's this?"
Liam turns his attention to the wire beater.
Liam carefully studies his big brother.
But why lick the batter when you can instead fling it all
over the kitchen? A true independent thinker, people.
"You gonna eat that?"
Will is not about to let any batter go to waste.
Liam finally gives it a try as Will cleans the plate.
Is this the look of a kid who needs his own special day or what?
LOL - I love that you actually stood back and took photos of them...sooo cute :) Our stories of our almost-same-day-babies is even closer than I thought because I too almost got induced ON my son's 1st birthday due to PIH, but held out 1 more day ;) Can't wait to see all your cupcakes and birthday pics...I'm sure you are still recovering today as we are here...yeah and also like your crew, I'm sure -- there is still quite a bit of sugar left in their system after this weekend - TOAST to ANOTHER YEAR!